Harness Balance limited edition 2024
Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
è nato nel 1964 a Lippstadt (D) e cresciuto a Anröchte (NRW), da sempre circondato da animali e dove tutt‘ora vive con i suoi due cani. Sin dal 1990 ha girato il mondo per studiare il comportamento degli animali. Dal 1997 si è focalizzato sui canidi, osservandoli in USA, Canada, Messico, Africa, Asia e Australia. Dal 2004 lavora come psicologo di animali, è un relatore su argomenti cinofili e collabora con articoli sulle riviste del settore. Ad oggi ha pubblicato nove libri. Dal 2011 al 2015 è stato direttore della rivista cinofila CANISUND. Dal 2012 conduce il talkshow “Riepes Hundetalk” in onda sul canale TV regionale NRWISION.
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Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
Title: Dog and Lead - A new journey together Author: Marco Annovi ISBN: 9788889006573
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Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
Illustrato, 112 pagine a colori, copertina morbida, brossura filo refeI edizione 2017