Harness Balance limited edition 2024
Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
è professore emerito di biologia presso l’Università del Colorado a Boulder e cofondatore, con Jane Goodall, di Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (www.ethologicalethics.org). Ha vinto numerosi premi per le sue ricerche scientifiche, compreso il Guggenheim Fellowship e nel 2005 il The Bank One Faculty Community Service Award per il lavoro svolto con i bambini, gli anziani, e i detenuti. È autore o curatore di oltre duecento articoli e numerosi libri, tra cui Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, The Ten Trusts (with Jane Goodall), The Smile of a Dolphin, Minding Animals, Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues e Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Tiene seminari e conferenze in tutto il mondo ed è apparso in numerosi programmi televisivi, tra cui Good Morning America e Anderson Cooper 360°.
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Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
Title: Dog and Lead - A new journey together Author: Marco Annovi ISBN: 9788889006573
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Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003. The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our...
The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability,...
XXII+236 pagine con foto in b/n, copertina rigidaI edizione 2014, I ristampa 2018
Titolo: I cani senza di noi - Immaginare i cani in un mondo senza gli umani Autori: Jessica Pierce, Marc Bekoff - Traduzione italiana di Marina...